Level 3 Digital Support Technician

Level 3 Digital Support Technician

The broad purpose of a Digital Support Technician is to maximise the effective use of digital office technologies, productivity software and digital communications. These will include collaborative technologies, and digital information systems.

A Digital Support Technician will select one of the following two options.

A Digital Applications Technician (DAT) helps their organisation and its internal users to maximise the use of digital technologies. They help organisations adapt to and exploit changes in technology to meet objectives and maximise efficiency. They ensure effective use of digital office technologies, productivity software, digital communications, including collaborative technologies, and digital information systems.

A Digital Service Technician (DST) supports external customers and clients through a wide variety of digital channels. A DST helps them access and receive services and provides coaching and support to them in their use of the digital systems. A DST will support external customers and clients to complete and submit data remotely. They will help them to diagnose and resolve problems with their access to and use of digital tools. The EPA is the culmination of the Apprentice’s training programme and provides them the opportunity to demonstrate the full range of knowledge, skills and behaviours in the published standard. You can find the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education assessment plan here.

End Point Assessment


Having completed a minimum of 12 months on programme training and completed the required amount of off-the-job hours specified by the apprenticeship funding rules, the apprentice will undertake a Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio and a Project report with presentation, questions and answers.

  • 01. Application

    Once the Employer has decided to use the Academy4PM for the EPA of their learner, the Employer will be required to complete and submit the Academy4PM EPA Application Form which activates the EPA process and initiates EPA for the Apprentice. The Apprentice must advise their chosen option for this apprenticeship.

  • 02. Submission

    At Gateway, this EPA requires the submission of a portfolio of evidence by the Apprentice in electronic form to the EPAO.

  • 03. Review

    The assessor panel, once selected and any identified conflicts of interest have been resolved, will review the submitted documentation in preparation for the professional discussion and project report with presentation, questions and answer.

  • 04. Panel

    The assessment will be led by an Academy4PM assessor who will act as independent assessor, and may include representatives from the employer or learning provider free of any direct conflict of interest. The assessor panel will contain members who have:

    • Excellent knowledge and understanding of the apprenticeship standard
    • Have recent relevant experience of the occupation or sector to at least occupational level 3 gained in the last 3 years or significant experience of the occupation or sector

    The Academy4PM assessor will have the final decision on grading.

  • 05. Assessment

    The EPA will assess the full range of knowledge, skills and behaviours listed in the published Standard utilising the following:

    • Project report with presentation, questions and answers lasting 45 minutes. This will typically include a presentation of 15 minutes and questioning lasting 30 minutes
    • Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio lasting 60 minutes

    The above is an opportunity for the apprentice to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and behaviours required in their day-to-day work.

Data Technician Process

Data Technician EPA Detail

Final Outcome

Once the lead Assessor has concluded the Apprentices Professional Discussion and Project report, presentation, questions and answers, the Assessor Panel will review and finalise their marks and provide the Academy4PM with an overall grading recommendation. Both assessment methods are weighted equally in their contribution to final EPA grade.

All EPA methods must be passed for the EPA to be passed overall. Apprentices must gain a pass in both methods to gain a pass overall. Apprentices must gain a distinction in both assessment methods to gain a distinction overall.


If the Apprentice does not achieve initial EPA, detailed feedback on Learning Areas for improvement will be provided to the Apprentice (via the Employer) with the end result. Apprentices should have a supportive action plan to prepare for the re-sit or a re-take. An apprentice who fails an assessment method, and therefore the EPA in the first instance, will be required to re-sit or re-take any failed assessment methods only. The apprentice will get a maximum EPA grade of a distinction for a re-sit or re-take, unless the EPAO determines there are exceptional circumstances. Failed assessment methods mst be taken within 6 months of entering gateway or the whole EPA will need to be re-sat or re-taken in full.

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